The Future of Pharma R&D

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The Future of Pharma R&D - Challenges and Trends

R&D costs have dramatically increased, while at the same time the pharmaceutical industry has acquired new technologies as well as new insight into human biology and pathophysiology, based on a better understanding of mechanisms at the molecular level and their interactions in bio-logical systems.

The key question in R&D today is how to convert this knowledge into new therapies addressing unmet medical needs. This is not only a scientific question, it also requires greater management efforts dealing with biomedical knowledge and the complexity of the R&D process including the assessment of licensing opportunities.

Stringent project evaluation, portfolio management and the value-based allocation of resources are the most relevant techniques to get an edge on competition while interacting with various stakeholders.

This book addresses the current situation from different viewpoints. In addition to a thorough analysis the authors disclose and provide new strategies, approaches and tools to deal with current challenges.

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